ASAP | As soon as possible | 尽快 |
BTW | By the way | 随便说一下 |
BBL | Be back later | 稍后回来 |
BRB | Be right back | 很快回来 |
CU | See you | 再见 |
CUL | See you later | 下次再会 |
DIIK | Damned if I known | 我真的不知道 |
FE | For example | 举例 |
FTF | Face to face | 面对面 |
FYI | For your information | 供参考 |
IAE | In any event | 无论如何 |
IC | I see | 我明白 |
IMHO | In my humble opinion | 依愚人之见 |
IMO | In my opinion | 依我所见 |
IOW | In other words | 换句话说 |
LOL | laughing out loudly | 大声笑 |
NRN | No reply necessary | 不必回信 |
OIC | Oh, I see | 哦,我知道 |
PEM | Privacy enhanced mail | 保密邮件 |
RSVP | Reply if you please | 请答复 |
TIA | Thanks in advance | 十分感谢 |
TTUL | Talk to you later | 以后再讲 |
TY | Thank you | 谢谢 |
VG | Very good | 很好 |
WRT | With respect to | 关于 |
A开头 | ||
A.A.R | against all risks | 担保全险,一切险 |
A.B.No. | Accepted Bill Number | 进口到单编号 |
A/C | Account | 账户 |
ACC | acceptance, accepted | 承兑,承诺 |
ackmt | acknowledgement | 承认,收条 |
a/d | after date | 出票后限期付款(票据) |
ad.advt. | advertisement | 广告 |
adv. | advice | 通知(书) |
ad val. | Ad valorem(according to value) | 从价税 |
A.F.B. | Air Freight Bill | 航空提单 |
Agt. | Agent | 代理商 |
A.M.T. | Air Mail Transfer | 信汇 |
Amt. | Amount | 额,金额 |
A.N. | arrival notice | 到货通知 |
ANER | Asia NorthAmerica EastboundRate | 亚洲北美东行运费协定 |
A.P. | account payable | 应付账款 |
A/P | Authority to Purchase | 委托购买 |
A.R. | Account Receivable | 应收款 |
Art. | Article | 条款,项 |
A/S | account sales | 销货清单 |
a/s | after sight | 见票后限期付款 |
attn | attention | 注意 |
av.,a/v | average | 平均,海损 |
a/v | a vista (at sight) | 见票即付 |
AWB | airway bill | 空运提单 |
B开头 | ||
B.D.I | Both Days Inclusive | 包括头尾两天 |
BAF | Bunker Adjustment Factor | 燃油附件费 |
B/L | Bill of Lading | 海运提单 |
Bs/L | Bills of Lading | 提单(复数) |
B/R | Buying Rate | 买价 |
Bal | Balance | 差额 |
BRL or BBL | Barrel | 每桶 |
B.B.clause | Both to blame collision clause | 船舶互撞条款 |
B/C | Because; bills for collection | 因为; 托收票据 |
B. EX. or B/E | Bill of Exchange | 汇票 |
B/G | Bonded goods | 保税货物 |
BG or b/s | Bag(s) | 袋 |
Bal. | Ballance | 余额 |
bkt. | basket | 篮; 筐 |
bls. | Bales | 包 |
bot. or bott.or btl | bottle | 瓶 |
br. | brand | 商标; 牌 |
Brkge. | breakage | 破碎 |
bu. | bushel | 蒲式耳 |
bx. | box | 箱 |
bxs. | boxes | 箱 (复数), 盒 (复数) |
C开头 | ||
CFR | cost and freight | 成本加运费价(指定目的港) |
C&F | COST AND FREIGHT | 成本加海运费 |
CIF | COST INSURANCE AND FREIGHT | 成本、保险费加运费付至(指定目的港) |
CPT | Carriage Paid To | 运费付至(指定目的港) |
CIP | Carriage and Insurance Paid To | 运费、保险费付至(指定目的港) |
COD | cash on delivery/collect on delivery | 货到付款 |
CCA | Contract Change Authorization | 合同更改批准 |
CCA | Changed Carriage Advice | 变更货运通知 |
C.Y. | Container Yard | 集装箱堆场 |
CFS | Cargo Freight Station | 货运站 |
C/D | customs declaration | 报关单 |
C.C | COLLECT | 运费到付 |
CNTR NO. | Container Number | 柜号 |
C.O | certificate of origin | 原产地证 |
CTN/CTNS | carton/cartons | 纸箱 |
C.S.C | Container Service Charge | 货柜服务费 |
C/(CNEE) | Consignee | 收货人 |
CAF | Currency Adjustment Factor | 货币汇率附加费 |
CHB | Customs House Broker | 报关行 |
COMM | Commodity | 商品 |
CTNR | Container | 柜子 |
c/- (or c/s) | cases | 箱 |
C.A.D.; C/D | cash against documents | 付款交单 |
CAF | Currency Adjustment Factor | 币值附加费 |
CIF | Cost Insurance and Freight | 成本加保险费加运费(指定目的港) |
canc. | cancel, cancelled,cancellation | 取消 ; 注销 |
cat. | catalogue | 商品目录 |
C/B | clean bill | 光票 |
C.B.D. | cash before delivery | 先付款后交单 |
c.c. | cubic centimetre | 立方厘米;立方公分 |
C.C. | Chamber of Commerce | 商会 |
C.C.I.B. | China Commodity Inspection Bureau | 中国商品检验局 |
C/d | carried down | 转下 |
cent | centum(L.) | 一百 |
Cert. ; Certif. | certificate ; certified | 证明书; 证明 |
c.f. | Cubic feet | 立方英尺 |
Cg. | Centigramme | 公毫 |
C.G.A. | Cargo's proportion of General Average | 共同海损分摊额 |
cgo. | Cargo | 货物 |
chges. | charges | 费用 |
Chq. | Cheque | 支票 |
C.I. | Certificate of Insurance | 保险凭证 |
CI | Consular Invoice | 领事发票; 领事签证 |
C.I.O. | Cash in Order | 订货时付款 |
cks. | casks | 桶 |
cl. | class; clause | 级; 条款; 项 |
CLP | Container Load Plan | 集装箱装箱单 |
CMI | Comit'e Maritime International | 国际海事委员会 |
c/n | cover note | 暂保单; 预保单 |
c/o | care of | 转交 |
Co. | Company | 公司 |
COFC | Container on Flat Car | 平板车装运集装箱 |
Com. | Commission | 佣金 |
Cont. ; Contr. | Contract | 合同; 合约 |
Contd. | Cotinued | 继续; 续 (上页 ) |
Contg. | containing | 内容 |
Corp. ; Corpn. ; cor. | corporation | 公司;法人 |
C/P ; c. py. | charter party | 租船契约 |
C.Q.D. | Customary Quick Despatch | 按习惯速度装卸 |
Crt. | crate | 板条箱 |
C.T.D. | Combined transport document | 联合运输单据 |
CT B/L | Combined transport bill of Iading | 联合运输提单 |
C.T.O. | Combined transport operator | 联合运输经营人 |
C.W.O. | Cash with order | 订货时付款 |
D开头 | ||
DDU | delivery duty unpaid | 未完税交货(……指定目的地) |
DDP | delivery duty prepaid | 完税交货 |
DAF | Delivered At Frontier | 边境交货(……指定地点) |
DES | Delivered Ex Ship | 目的港船上交货(……指定目的港) |
DEQ | Delivered Ex Quay | 目的港码头交货(……指定目的港) |
DDC | Destination Delivery Charge | 目的港码头费 |
DL/DLS | dollar/dollars | 美元 |
D/P | Document Against Payment | 付款交单 |
DOC | Document Charge | 文件、单据 |
Doc# | Document Number | 文件号码 |
D/A | document against acceptance | 承兑交单 |
DOZ/DZ | dozen | 一打 |
D/O | Delivery Order | 到港通知 |
DDC | destination distribution charge | 目的分送费 |
DOC | Direct Operating Cost | 直接操作费 |
E开头 | ||
EXW | Work/ExFactory | 工厂交货(……指定地点) |
EBS | Emergency Bunker Surcharges | 部分航线燃油附加费 的表示方式,EBS一般 是澳洲航线使用 |
EBA | EBA一般是非洲航线、 中南美航线使用 | |
EXP | export | 出口 |
EA | each | 每个,各 |
EPS | Equipment Position Surcharges | 设备位置附加费 |
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